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L. withheld

Is it a bad idea to send a resume and cover letter to multiple recruiters in your industry at once? Which firms specialize in the television and radio news recruitment?

Frances's advice

Experience shows that sending resumes and cover letters isn't the most effective way to find a job. It may be among the least effective ways when they're sent randomly to recruiters or employers who have no idea who you are and what you might be able to do. If sending resumes must be done, in almost every case, you're better off directly approaching the people who might have the power to hire you (or would be your direct supervisors) with a thoughtful and concise resume and letter. This letter must address their needs (not yours) and demonstrate how you can be part of a solution to their problems. This strategy allows the job seeker to move from the role of "job beggar" to "resource person." You must do your homework and research those companies that interest you with vigor and thoroughness.

The easiest way to identify recruiters who work specifically in radio and television is to call some of the employers that interest you and ask their human-resources managers who they use for recruiting. This is also the most obvious way, which means it's often overlooked. Then, if you still feel you need to work with recruiters, you can spend your time wisely targeting the ones they've identified for you.