Topics: Advancement · All topics
MarkDublin, Ireland

I'm an electronic engineer with eight years of experience under my belt. I left a secure job to work for a start-up company, and although I'm learning a lot, I'd prefer to break into technical or project management. The company is restructuring so I don't think I'll be able to do this kind of work. I'd look for a new job, but there aren't many opportunities available. Should I begin searching anyway or should I bide my time and wait and see what happens?

Frances's advice

The best advice is to stay with the company during its restructuring in order to get the job you really want there. Find creative ways to show your project- or technical-management skills when you can. Don't give up. Talk with your boss to see if he or she can outline a scenario for you that will meet your needs and the company's. Ask your boss to predict when you'll be able to do the work you want.

In the meantime, make discreet inquiries within your network about other jobs that may be available. If asked why you're looking, explain you're planning ahead as a next step in case the job market should continue on its downward trend. By doing this legwork now, you'll place yourself in a strong position should you find another job that better meets your needs.