Topics: Advancement · All topics
DomenicoRome, Italy

I work for an information-technology company in a job I really like. I'd like to know what I can do to improve my chances for promotion. What do employers want from their employees? What qualities are they looking for when they make decisions regarding promotions?

Daniel's advice

Employers look for honest, reliable and hard-working employees. But let's assume that covers most people. So what makes the difference for those that seem to rise to the top quickly? We think being able to do the following will make the difference:

  • Make decisions with authority and certainty.
  • Develop a wide range of expertise.
  • Cultivate relationships at every level of the organization.
  • Show initiative and enthusiasm.
  • Demonstrate ambition without damaging others in your quest to move up the ladder.
  • Inspire others to do their best work.
  • Communicate and listen well.
  • Understand others' points of view.

Additionally, it's important to find new and unexpected ways to help your boss. By doing so, you can help yourself. Ask your boss for permission to undertake a task that will help him perform his job better. Be sure to identify one that's important to your boss, and not just you. While it's possible that no tangible result may come of your extra work, you'll prove that you're willing to go the extra mile and are a team player concerned with positive outcomes for all.

Keep track of your results on a weekly basis in a log or journal. Each month, be sure to arrange a time with your boss to review the five key achievements and corresponding benefits your work has produced with your boss. You'll work harder and smarter if you know you're accountable to regularly report your results to your boss.

Finally, a simple but good rule of thumb is to do your work as if you'd already received the promotion you desire.